

MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@bellezhang.com




Through several years of investigating accidents and research in the field of accident reconstruction, leaders in the field of occupational accident prevention have concluded that there are specific reasons why accidents occur. They found that worker safety is dependent on worker behavior and human factors. 他们制定了十条安全规则, while many of you may have heard them before, 它们值得重复:

  • 保持警惕——活下去. The more awake a worker is, the less likely he or she is to get hurt. If you are unsure how to operate equipment or perform a task, ask your supervisor. 不要胡乱猜测. Make sure you know in advance the correct, safe way to do it.
  • WEAR THE RIGHT CLOTHES - work clothes should fit properly. Anything that can catch in machinery or trip you up is hazardous. Wear protective clothing and equipment as required.
  • USE THE RIGHT TOOLS - if you need a hammer, get a hammer. It may be handier to use a pair of pliers, 扳手或螺丝刀, 但是你更有可能受伤.
  • LEARN HOW TO LIFT - Lifting takes more than muscle; it is an art. Don't try to show how strong you are; you may end up in a hospital. Get help to handle anything that is too heavy or cumbersome for you.
  • DON'T BE A PRANKSTER - practical jokes and horseplay can be dangerous, 尤其是重型机械. If you feel the urge to play, resist it until after work.
  • BE TIDY - Good housekeeping reduces hazards in the workplace or your home. Always put away tools when they are not in use. Keep the floors clean, pick up scraps and wipe up spills. 滑倒或绊倒可能是致命的.
  • REPORTING IS IMPORTANT - Never fail to report accidents, defective equipment and or unsafe conditions.
  • GET FIRST AID IMMEDIATELY - if you're hurt - even if it seems minor. Neglect of an injury may lead to serious infection, 失去的时间, 可能造成永久性伤害.
  • BACK YOUR SAFETY PROGRAM - If you have an idea you believe will reduce accidents, 把这件事告诉你的上司. 以身作则,遵守安全规则. 配合你的安全委员会.
  • NEVER TAKE A CHANCE - Next to sheer carelessness, short cuts are probably the biggest killer of all. To save a minute or two, you may lose a lifetime. Whatever you are doing, if you are not doing it safely, you are not doing it right!

Excerpted with permission from Utah 安全 Council 新闻letter, August 2010

If you have questions about the specific safe work practices and procedures that apply to your work activities, please be sure to bring them to the attention of your supervisor. For additional information, please call 环境健康与安全, 208-885-6524.


MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@bellezhang.com
